Friday, 23 February 2018

Post Production Essay

Describe a range of creative decisions that you made in the post production stage and how these decisions made a difference to the final outcomes. Refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how these skills have developed over time.

Over the 2 years of media, we have been given 2 products to create. In our first year (Year 12) we were created a film opening. In our second year (Year 13), we created a music video.  These two tasks are quite similar but included very different post production activities. Before Year 12, I had absolutely no skills in editing, filming or anything to do with the production of a media product. During the 2 years I have studied media my production skills have increased dramatically allowing me to create media products I am proud of.

In Year 12, the post production was very minimal. It included our practise editing task (dancing bears edit), recreating the opening sequence of Juno, a Preliminary task and our final film opening. The tasks we completed before creating our final product were to give us the initial media skills we needed to create a high standard finished product.  The first task we were given was to edit pre made footage of dancing bears. This task was beneficial because it was a nice, easy introduction to editing and using Premier Pro CS6. The second task we were given was to recreate the opening sequence of Juno. This task involved me going out and creating shots of my own, uploading them onto a computer and editing them together. This furthered my skills of editing and also gave me the initial skills of location choosing and camera work. The prelim task involved us being given a genre and having to create a short film relating to that genre. We were given the genre Documentary. By being given a genre it meant that we had to carry out some research into this genre and this research allowed me to learn conventions within media that I hadn’t learnt about before and allowed me to use these in my work. The prelim also allowed me to refine my camera work skills and try out new shots, such as close ups.
Our final piece in Year 12 was our film opening Panaphobia. I used the camera skills I had learnt in the prelim task and created a production with various different shots which benefitted the final product. Before creating our film opening we did not go into as much research as we had with our prelim, because we knew what we wanted to create and knew of some basic conventions we could implement in our film. The editing of our film opening was significantly better compared to our previous tasks, foe example we used reverse effect and colour correcting, but it was still minimal in contract to our work in Year 13.

In Year 13, the post production increased dramatically. I was able to build on the skills I had learnt from Year 12 and input these developed skills into my work. The first task we completed was a task nicknamed ‘Banana Phone’. This task involved us being given a list of shots and effects and we were to film and edit these to fit with the song Banana Phone. This task increased our knowledge of what shots we could create and different effects awe could use on Premier Pro CS6. It was very beneficial because it allowed us to move away from and develop the previous conventions, camera work and effects we had mastered in Year 12. The second task we carried out in Year 13 was another Preliminary task. This task involved us recreating the first 30 seconds of the well known music video Call Me Maybe. This task highlighted to us that music videos required a lot more props, shots, transitions. Locations and editing that our film openings.  The final task we completed before creating our final video was a Steal- O – Matic. This task consisted of us taking clips from YouTube of music videos that inspired us and putting them all together to create a new video with our chosen song. This task allowed us to further develop our editing skills and allowed us to be well prepared to create our own music video.

Overall, my post production skills developed dramatically over the two years of media. It evolved from me not knowing anything about media, to being able to export film and edit footage together to create a high standard piece of work. It also enabled me to try out different soft wares and create products in different ways to what I was used to.

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